The Nourished Garden Healer

Immersed in nature, looking at nature, or even thinking about nature provides a better recovery from stress and aids in self healing. Walk with me back into nature and begin opening your heart, stimulating your senses and commanding more peace and joy into your life.

By awakening a natural connection to the environment, we can together move beyond simply using nature, but step into a partnership with it.

“My belief is that nature is the most healing element in our environment, it brings us to a more natural and comfortable place within ourselves.” ~Fianna Dickson Comb

Mission: To provide a therapeutic space that connects your heart to the earth with the intent to promote physical, emotional and spiritual  healing and well-being.  

Vision:  To create a community that can begin using the power of nature to transform their lives, uplift their spirits with hope to create social change and a better world.      

Sign up above if you are interested in joining this community!

 Studies found five places around the world where people live the longest and have the best quality of life:  Okinawa in Japan, Nicoya in Costa Rica, Icaria in Greece, and Loma Linda in California and Sardinia in Italy.  People living in these zones share key factors: social support networks, daily exercise habits, plant-based diet, GARDENING!

In each of these amazing communities, people are gardening well into their 80s, 90s and beyond.  Could nurturing your green thumb help you live graciously and with vitality into your 100’s?

Healing Foods We Enjoy Planting!


  • Rich source of fiber, vitamin-C, and some B-complex vitamins like riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine and carotenoids, as well as dietary minerals, such as iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and manganese.

  • The leaves contain surprisingly more omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant. 

  • Excellent source of Vitamin-A (one of the highest among green leafy vegetables).  Vitamin-A is a powerful natural antioxidant and an essential vitamin for vision and healthy mucosa and skin, can prevent lung and oral cavity cancers.


    • Powerful antioxidant, supports immune function, folate, calcium, potassium,  Vit A, B, K, excellent for athletes as it improves muscle oxygenation during exercise, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, anti osteoporosis, helps to lower blood pressure


    • More protein than spinach, anit-diabetic, anti-cancer, kidney health, natural diuretic, zinc, treats blood and skin disorders and anemia, liver health

Wild Flowers (Edible)

    • Nasturtium

      • Emits an amazing fragrance, symbolizes patriotism, you can garnish any meal with them, make a tea, or make a beautiful bouquet for your loved ones, brings butterfly’s and bee’s  to the veggie garden

    • Borage

      • Herb, native to the Middle East and has an ancient history meaning of bravery and courage, emits a great scent, you can garnish any meal with them, make a tea


    • Heart health, zinc, calcium, iron, anti-cancer, immune health/boost, improves focus, Vit A, C, B


    • Improves digestion, treats bad breath, improves focus/mental awareness, anti-nausea, reduces stress, may support healthy cholesterol levels, skin health

Zucchini Squash

    • Excellent hydrator, high in fiber, Vit B6, riboflavin folate, Vit C, K, potassium and other powerful minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, anti-inflammatory, excellent for heart health and lowering blood pressure


    • calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, Vit C, A, K, folate, high in antioxidants, hearth health, eye health, anti-cancer


  • One of the most healing weeds on the planet! Native to the eastern Mediterranean and North Africa

  • Mallow is full of mucilaginous properties that help to soothe and heal the digestive tract. It helps to heal gastritis, ulcers and any gastrointestinal inflammation.  It is an emollient so can treat eczema and other skin irritants, mouthwash if you mix it with thyme, soothe the respiratory tract mucosa, relieves constipation, treats wounds

  • Chop it up, steam it , put in a smoothie, make a salad, make a tea, use as a topical, etc.  


  • Moringa oleifera, is native to northern India, Pakistan, the Himalayan region, Africa and Arabia

  • The leaves in particular are consumed either raw in salads, tossed into blender drinks, or steamed like spinach. Rich in protein, beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium and calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, folate, B1, B2, B3, B6, Vitamin A

  • Virtually all parts of the plant are used to treat inflammation, infectious disorders, and various problems of the cardiovascular and digestive organs, while improving liver function and enhancing milk flow in nursing mothers. The uses of moringa are well documented in both the Ayurvedic and Unani systems of traditional medicine, among the most ancient healing systems in the world.

  • The leaves seem to be getting the most market attention, notably for their use in reducing high blood pressure, eliminating water weight, and lowering cholesterol.


    • One of the most nutrient dense foods

    • Vit A,C, K, B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium

    • Loaded with powerful antioxidants, excellent source of Vit C

    • Can help lower cholesterol, reduce risk of heart disease, cancer fighting

    • High in beta-carotene, low calories

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